Why You’re In Charge

Fate – A word many of us attribute to some end goal, destination, partnership, or any other number of things. That word has taken a very different meaning to me over the last few years. At one point in my life, I seemed hell-bent on it being a person, someone who meant a lot to me. Looking back at it, I now realize that its meaning has changed drastically. I now look at it as a pathway, not as an end. Things in our lives change, we change, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not… One thing is for sure, though… It’s all a journey. I’ve had many impactful points in my journey, and some in particular that influenced me enough to reach this idea.

Why is it spelled “phaet” if it’s just fate? Well… One – it’s not just fate, it’s a whole new approach. Two – it’s a combination of the nickname of someone who meant a lot to me once and the word fate; Phae + Fate = phaet. It just felt right?

Do I wish things were different? Some of me might, but if things were different, so many things in my life wouldn’t be the way they are now, and that’s mostly where my point lies. We can’t predict the future, nor can we change the past, we can only aim for goals and hope for what the future might hold. Recently, I started reaching into my memories and my heart, and I can tell you I had a LOT of time to do that, cranking out over 25,000 miles on the road in 2023. I even fulfilled a couple promises I feel I made to someone I don’t talk to anymore during some of those miles. However, I learned a lot about myself.

Remember that sometimes your world will crumble around you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rebuild, continue on, and have the life you’ve dreamed of. Our lives are what we make them, and in that, we decide our own fates, or “phaets”, if you will.